life on the beach

so here is another attempt at a blog and keep sane in the process. i looked at my old blog and noticed it was from Blogspot of all things. it was started in 2008 and wow, how things have changed both personally and professionally.

12241382_1148944091791192_4701533027806973602_nlet me start by saying that i am in my mid-50s and recently transplanted to florida via tennessee and louisiana. never thought i would live here but things have changed as well as my life and i can say i am finally at ease…with my life and where i am in it. i am happily engaged to a woman who shares the same passion for life and love, and shares miles and smiles with me on the roads. it is what we do and what we share. she came into my life when i felt love and happiness had passed me by. I can never thank her enough for all that she has given me. more on life and love changes later but its safe to say that she is the one and will be for a long time. it just shows that there is life, love and happiness for all of us.

I also have three wonderful kids and one grandson. never thought i would say that…grandson. I’m too young for grandkids! at least that is what i will tell myself!

12250177_1144856928866575_5090388696739002732_nMy youngest is a junior in high school and is up in nashville. he is a great stud of a soccer player, a budding photographer and in honor classes…must get that from me. i wish he knew how proud i am of him. i hope he will spend some time with me on the beach this summer and learn to love the beaches of northwest florida as much as i do.

1797533_1048990638453205_1243232634954350372_n“the girl” is a california girl now having packed her car after graduating and driving cross country to find her fame and fortune on the west coast. i have give her all the credit in the world to take the risk and do something she had dreamed of forever. working in pr, she has made me proud, following my footsteps..sort of. oh, and like her younger brother, smart, smart smart. she’ll text me things that get me thinking…and now she is on her way “back” to nashville soon to take a break from the LA scene. we’ll see how that all pans out.

1909931_10101078676740673_1482638358769328081_nthen we have the older boy and the grandson. he moved to louisiana to escape the cold of the “frozen tundra” and never looked back. while still a packer “cheesehead” his blood runs thin and will never move back to where you have to start your car 30 minutes before you leave! he got a teaching job, married and a few years later, bam! grandson! i have yet to see him but i’ll be there soon connor!

so that’s just a little about me except to add i run…a lot…and run a lot with my fiancĂ©. so share my journey, our journey as we run, laugh, cry, think and just enjoy life!


Chilly ride

The weather has been usually cool here in Louisiana for September. Should be in the 70s for lows and the mid 80s and humid for highs. BUT the past couple of days have been gorgeous! This morning it was 58 degrees, so trying to save on gas, decided to ride the motorcycle in to work. 

I’ve discovered that no matter how warm you dress, cold air is going to find its was into your jacket, boots, and up the pants leg. Even though it is only a 13-mile ride to the college, I spent the first few minutes trying to warm up the hands….what will it be like when it is really cold?

Also noticed things that you normally don’t when behind the wheel, listening to the radio, not really paying attention and just pointing the car. On a motorcycle, the elements are all around you…I noticed for the first time that the sun was rising behind me and was a huge orange fireball, while a full moon greeted me in the front. Passed by a few restaurants and could smell breakfast cooking….you know how good bacon and eggs smells when you are hungry?! I only have some chocolate pop tarts to look forward to (They are my daily staple).

Oh well, hopefully this great weather will continue for a few more days! Looking forward to the ride home!